Eco-Lawns and Lawn Alternatives
An eco-lawn offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond traditional grass lawns. This sustainable landscaping option requires minimal water, reducing water consumption and utility costs. It eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, promoting a healthier environment for both humans and wildlife. These low-maintenance lawns foster biodiversity, providing a habitat for native plants and insects. Overall, an eco-lawn showcases a harmonious blend of environmental responsibility and aesthetic appeal, making it a pragmatic choice for modern landscaping.
Eco-Turf Mix with Microclover
Eco-Turf Mix with drought tolerant grasses and Microclover® is an earth-friendly, sustainable lawn. This mix holds up well to wear--perfect for kids, pets and high traffic areas. Regular mowing and edging creates a well manicured look.
Microclover feeds the companion grasses with nitrogen making them look great all year long. The drought tolerant clover maintains a nice dark green color once established. Its inclusion with the grasses allows the soil to retain more moisture in dry periods which requires much less irrigation than a conventional lawn.
Quatro Tetraploid Sheep Fescue - Festuca ovina 'Quatro' Banfield Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne 'Banfield' Eureka II Hard Fescue - Festuca trachyphylla 'Eureka II' Microclover® - Trifolium repens var Pipolina ssp Microclover
Flowering eco-lawn mix
Inspired by the natural lawns of the New England countryside. In collaboration with Oregon State University this mix was developed to be an earth-friendly, time and water saving lawn alternative.
With its mix of flowers, clovers and grasses, Fleur creates a symbiotic pollinator habitat. It looks lovely in lawns, transitional areas or anywhere you need a low-input green cover. The clovers naturally self-feed the lawn with nitrogen, and the low growing flowers give it a beautiful blooming color.
Karma Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne Eureka II Hard Fescue - Festuca trachyphylla Quatro Tetraploid Sheep Fescue - Festuca ovina 'Quatro' White Yarrow - Achillea millefolium White Clover - Trifolium repens English Daisy - Bellis perennis Sweet Alyssum - Lobularia maritima (annual) Baby Blue Eyes - Nemophila menziessii (annual) Strawberry Clover - Trifolium fragiferum